Artist’s Process
Art is the ultimate experiment. I am its explorer. Beginning each project without expectation brings curiosity. Staying open to intuition and observation is key. Through the process, I find my way. There is energy and movement. A visual language emerges as I combine mediums, create texture and make marks. An organic composition surfaces that may include blind contour, subtle gesture and the repetition of line and shape. Paper is the perfect foundation for my mixed media pieces. It's open, of the earth, and easily cut & torn. Working with it I am free of an attached outcome. Mistakes become treasures offering an element of surprise. As for printmaking, monotypes lend to the spontaneity of my process. The prints are one of a kind and cannot be duplicated. Pulling the paper off the plate is always exciting. I marvel at the discovery of the instantaneous reveal - every time. Interpretation is left open to the viewer’s imagination.